
Sunday 2 October 2011

Cereal not with milk, but with Twitter

Isn't this all too familiar? Gadgets have sort of become our newspaper in a way. In the sense that we normally flip the newspaper to get breaking news first thing in the morning, accompanied by our waffles and hot coffee. But instead, what we can see now is people swiping over their iPads and smartphones at breakfast. Yes, we do read the newspaper with our gadgets but since convergence has made everything possible, we multi-task as well. And that's where you get massive Tweets.

Now, I don't know much about the culture of Tweeting b/c I don't have a personal Twitter account. Like the author of the reading this week, Steven Johnson, I was skeptical and doubtful of this 140-character innovation. Despite many talented figures - Yasmin Ahmad - having an account, my impression was that this wasn't a necessity. But 'How Twitter Will Change The Way We Live' proved me otherwise. I mean really, how can one be so detailed yet summarized in a 140-character space? Hats off to you awesome Twitterers.

Some of the key points!

Ambient awareness 

You get a quick peak at people's daily life through Tweets without even asking!

A jury-rigged system

Twitter has created an improvisation. It's no longer what Twitter is doing to us, but what we Twitterzens are doing to it.

The Open Conversation

Hop right into the bandwagon by inserting the oh-so-famous hashtag #. There's a bunch of popular hastags like:

Here's where a larger pool of audience join in together to contribute to a bigger picture of an issue! The more the merrier! The more opinion and feedbacks we get, the more solid a discussion is. Through Twitter, with the collective hastags, a private exchange is now open for anyone and everyone. All these Tweets will come together to build a bridge of pebbles.

The Super-Fresh Web

In class, we have learnt that the super-fresh web operates on being the first in line, scalable and have a short feedback loop. How Twitter is these is that it always gives us the fresh and valuable of a slice of life or a big event. Need assistance of an example?

Those who were confined at home (by our parents) glued themselves to Twitter to get the lives updates of the Bersih 2.0 Rally. The current progression, the acid attacks and the people involved information were received in mere seconds.

It's true that Twitter is a super-fresh web because it possess a short feedback loops, meaning to say that I wouldn't need to wait for weeks for a reply like the snail mail method. In fact, when there's new Tweets or a reply, a notification will appear. You can already see the trace of this element in FB and even from before, in Friendster and MySpace.

Need anything that's urban and relevant? Head on to Twitter then! With just a search box, what you search is what you get. In fact sooner or later, every major channel of communication will be Twitterfied! Why?

  • News & Opinions

I like to think that with Twitter, comes your own personalized newspaper. See, you only follow the people that you want to, it's your own account, you're entitled to who you would want to follow. Naturally, we'd follow the accounts of people whom share the similar interests or we follow celebrities or politicians that we worships. Meaning to say, we get what we only like. Hence, a customized newspaper that would go just nice with your bagels.


We've already understand that Twitter provides valuable extended field of information - attachments of link, articles, pictures etc. If we are in need of any information regarding the Harry Potter casts' lives after the finale, we can just head on over to Emma Watson's Twitter to get a sneak preview. Because we are already an avid fan of Harry Potter and we follow the characters' Tweets, getting information pertinent to Harry Potter would be easier!


Yes, you saw that right. Twitter is linked to Advertising is because firstly, take a look at all the big shot companies, they all have a Twitter or Facebook account. Why? Because it's a trend, it's people's daily bible. In doing so, there would be a new language of interaction between the company and the customers when early discount or limited edition products are offered to those followers and also it provides a hip and engaging banter between the two.

End-User Innovation

Why is it labelled as an innovation? It's because a new medium of communication has arrived in the form of Tweeting. Everyone Tweets an island and these islands would cross section with even more islands from around the world, differing in social classes and backgrounds. 

End-users have been creative enough to try to figure a way beyond the 140-characters. There's roadblocks but there's also a way around it. Twitterzens modify the tool and out comes blessed innovations that allow us to search, to #, to advertise and so on! This innovation is such due to the fact Twitterzens know how to modify Twitter and adapt it into their own daily life.


How is Twitter related to citizen journalism is that Twitter provides a platform for collective intelligence and participatory culture. From my understanding, when you follow several common interest Twitterzens, you get a wider prospect of information. You get to see different views and thinking, and then to come to your own decision. 

That being, you too become a citizen journalist when you take the information, do some research and then share it along to YOUR own followers. Collective intelligence then continues. We also use this modern media platform to publish news unfiltered to be enjoyed by mass audience. We participate to contribute to the collectivism of information in networks.

It's just you, me, everyone, Twitter. And also, yes, our cereals.

Tweeting an island yet? Maybe I should start doing so.

But one thing always keeps me wondering, will all the mass irrelevant and nonsense Tweets cause useless information avalanche? Or simply, is this just another mind-your-own-business-these-are-my-Tweets case?


  1. Ambient awareness! One of the favorite thing the netizens like about Twitter! There are always times when we dare not to ask about someone's recent life. But somehow because of the habit, they'll post it on twitter and that is how we got to know about them even without asking! Cool isn't it? But, that also indirectly enable the "stalkers" to know about our live even without asking. It is like we willingly allow the stalkers to know where are we going/what are we eating/who are we with!

    I like the example of super fresh web! It's true that whenever there are events and we're not allowed to go, twitter is the best place to go! Even if it's world cup, there are times that we can't get to watch it live. So what's the next step? On your twitter1 There are always people who willingly update for us to check! I find it nice thou! It's moving faster than the online news!!! Nice post Mich! Straight forward and simple to read.

  2. great explanation and breakdown of those points! Twitter is really becoming our personal newspaper, i amd following berita harian twitter and i get a lot of information not only news report but they did provide video and other links relate to the incident.

    I am totally agree with the point of citizen journalism gives us a wider view on certain indicent.As a mass commer, it is important for us to be in a neutral position so that we can provide a more accurate news and influences to the public. Thus, by getting point of view on different person, we are more open to different opinion.This is actually a better direction of us to know the world. Nice jobs, i have a better understanding now.

  3. Hi Michelle,

    I believe that Twitter is the new form of news feed, which is essential in the journalism field. Although the 140 words may be frustrating, but when we come to think about it, it's actually a great tool and practice for us to transmit only our main points fast and accurate to a wider audience/public. I think this is a very important factor in transmitting urgent and up-to-date news - the core responsibility of the journalists.

    I agree with your points on Twitter providing a "platform for collective intelligence" and in the same time, encourages "participatory culture". I start to think of Twitter as some kind of news feed. It can be either formal or informal. We can now receive feeds about our friends like how we can receive feeds from formal news agencies on the latest news. It kind of bring us together - participatory culture - and also allowing us to know each other better. I also realized that Twitter - believe it or not - is a platform for individuals to voice out when there's no one to listen. It's like the sound of mind.

    Amazing, isn't it? In my opinion, not all information on Twitter are useless. When information goes public, it can be useful for certain people for certain purposes. Good or bad, that's the question.

  4. Ola Jessine! I agree too that Twitter being a Super Fresh Web, it does provide an eye opener and also a source of update for any event that we aren't present. Be it a rally, a press conference or even a concert! Nothing beats the genuine, real and pumped up adrenaline of live updates!

    I too agree on your fact that netizens crave ambient awareness. In a away, this has made a lot of stalkers and admirers happy and gleeful now that they are somewhat close to their adored subjects? I think you should know how eerie and creepy that sounds right?

    I believe there's a certain extend to that, we should know ourselves how to differentiate what's appropriate to put out there. This is not to only protect ourselves but to also avoid big problems which will affect others around us as well.

    We shall see how this turns out! But indeed, ambient awareness is an interesting concept! Thanks for the feedback, Jia Xin!

  5. Hullo, Chea! I'm glad you think alike of my point of views. It is true that as humans, we are fickle minded and we easily sway like grassroots hence in some ways how Twitter is useful is that it provides us an array of information from others' eye. With these sorts of information, we can evaluate ourselves what we actually think about a particular issue based on our own criteria.

    It's nice to know that you follow Berita Harian's Tweets! I'm sure you really benefit a lot from it. Twitter is fortunate enough to encode videos and pictures in links for a full detail for those interested. It is our personal newspaper, we only follow a particular newspaper because we have a keen interest and we accept the newspaper.

    I hope Twitter serves you well as a news provider! As in really relevant and valuable news and little of those unnecessary Tweets! Good luck!

  6. Hey there Su Wern! I really appreciate your point on Twitter being an essential tool for (future) journalists! I thought that was something smart and important to be pointed out, especially since we are linked to journalism field. It is true that Twitter would serve as an exercise to only input points that we feel are important, which is kind of like our class is doing with Twitter and our weekly readings. As the world continue to evolves with innovation, it is only right we keep up with it. And with that said, journalist and newspapers should turn and pay attention to Twitter as a news feed to provide hands on news quicker to the mass public!

    True, not everything that's posted on Twitter are rubbish. I feel that if people know how to smartly use Twitter, it would benefit a whole lot of people. I also think that Twitterzens should start seeing and appreciating Twitter as a tool for news and not just petty seconds-to-seconds updates on themselves. A little here and there of such updates are fine, but sometimes I find others being too much with their irrelevant Tweets which clogs up people's feed. All for Twitter being the upcoming of a more beneficial and compact news feed!


  7. Hi Michelle.

    From my opinion, it is not what we do to twitter because after reading this article and closely analysing I have realised that Twitter was created in such a way that actually you can't do much but write what's on a person's mind, be it mundane stuff.

    Apart from that, it is in our culture today to "gain attention" by using different media's and with the creation of Twitter. It is just another media to do so. Right?

