
Sunday 25 September 2011

See you on the flipside! - The Long Tail Phenomena

This week's reading will be one of my favourites, Chris Anderson's The Long Tail. I thought it was a really well packed reading touching upon the power of long tail as opposed to the physical states like bookshops and record stores. Just when you thought, Kinokuniya is earning the big bucks, but rather, Amazon is the hot shot player here. Why? Digital VS. Physical. Mass VS. Niche. This is the long tail.

Are you ready?

The long tail is the 21st century of misses!

We have been under the perception that mainstream hits are the best sellers but actually what's surprising is that alternatives are bigger hits! Why? The thing is, we really have been exposed to brain-dead summer blockbusters and manufactured pop. The movies we catch at the cinemas and the music we rocked on through the radio needs local audience that would actually watch or listen to them. Finding large local audience isn't an easy task, everyone's got a life that doesn't revolve movies or the radio and so on.

Hence, what can be published or broadcasted is not colossal. Rather, online services carry more inventory than the traditional, physical retailers. This is b/c a niche audience can be found online when everyone is fragmented and scattered throughout the world! The real big deal comes from the niche fare found online. This demand is called the long tail.

Physical VS. Digital

Examples of companies in the physical and digital (long tail) world:

Physical -

Digital -

The 80-20 Rule

Most people would say that just about 20% of top 10,000 titles will sell at least once a month in online media stores. We also all think only 20% of major works will be hits where only 10% will be profitable. The correct answer for the first section that people got wrong is that, wait for it, 99% of every 10,000 titles are in demand! People would pay their cents and dollars for titles that aren't carried physically, like the jukebox!


  • Hit-driven mindset
We always think that something will only make money if they are hits in the market. But what we didn't know was that the "misses" actually make money as well through services like Amazon, Netflix and Rhapsody. More "misses" = Profit = New market. Now, popularity no longer has a monopoly on profitability.

  • Poor taste
We always assume that things that aren't in MPH or Speedy are "misses", we think they are products that people wouldn't pay their money for. We think that these 80% of work surely wouldn't be able to last long in the shelves. Our assumptions are wrong. The 80% does bring in the cold hard cash as well, b/c somewhere in different locations, there's bound to be audience. When there's audience, there's interests, there's your demand. The biggest money is in the smallest sales.

As we can see, long tail is giving an impact to revenues from all walks of life - music, movies, books etc. There's an obvious shift as long tail is slowing flooding to all segments, will companies that runs physically be in jeopardy? Fear not! There are new rules for the new entertainment company!

  • Rule #1 - Make everything available!

Embrace niches. Aggregate dispersed audiences. Just like you and me, we have different interests. Multiply you and me to a billions and trillions of people around the world! You'll get a range of anime to documentaries to country and folk to German trance to Dota and so on. Remember, where there's audience, there's the opportunity. The trick is to just release everything. Do not think of evaluating the market or conducting a pilot test. Just release everything online. Think about it, you're saving more costs if you release than to evaluate.

  • Rule #2 - Cut the price in half. Then lower it.

Yes, you've heard that right! From a business monger's point of view, 99 cents would be too little! But for the audience, 99 cents is too much! Customers are the King, haven't we heard this before? So how do we go about it? By right b/c everything is digitalized, production costs shouldn't exist now shouldn't it? W/ production costs out of the picture, the cost for a song online should be about 79 cents.  

It's crucial to price our items to digital costs, and not physical ones so customers feel worthy of their purchase.  What would drive customers further to purchase the song would be the fact that when they buy the whole album at one shot, they avoid illegal and virus-prone files. Also, they do not need to go through the hardship to collecting track by track of an album. These are called the psychological value of convenience!

  • Rule #3 - Help me find it!

This is where you provide means for audience to dig in deeper into resources! Remember the "If you like Britney, you'll love..." example? How it works is that, Rhapsody has a feature that offers a magic box of similar artists and feels like Britney - Pink, No Doubt and The Selectors. You get the hits and the alternatives. Mainstream and grassroot! This would be a great expansion of the audiences' interest and a good way to breach your revenue!


So what do you think of long tail now? Impressive isn't it! To think that Kinokuniya is the best bookstore in the world but when long tail comes into the picture, things start to change. The hot shots in various business lose their footing. One can only maintain and increase their revenue and pool of audience is by the 3 golden rules! Making everything available, cutting down the price and  providing resources might just make you the advantage player in your field!

Up until now, I've always thought only about the competition of stores physically. I've never knew that there's another sphere beyond that. It's the tug of war between digital and physical. There's now the obvious difference between push and pull. What we have to consider is that everyone is moving towards Cyberspace. That means the way we buy things will be different in mere years to come. Will it be a good thing? What do you think on this?

To long tail?



  1. Hi Michelle

    I agree with you that with the advancment of technology, many stores and companies are going online, even individuals who wish to start new and fresh businesses by selling products.

    By going digital, one can save a big amount of money in the running of a business. No physical costs such as renting a place and pay for hiring employees.

    Also, by doing business online, it's time saving, user friendly and convenient for potential customers to purchase the goods. They do not have to be at a particular place anymore, they can access the products online anytime anywhere as they wish.

    Sometimes just by the power of words of mouth from friends to friends, a small individual business of a local place have the possibility of reaching out to global audiences all over the world with practically no costs of advertising at all.

  2. Indeed people's life don't revolve only around movies and radio. The Internet do help a lot in segmenting the audiences in terms of interest and area.

    And guess I'm one of them who think that those books that are not selling in the bookstores are misses! Didn't know that it actually bring cold hard cashes in!

    But you're right, right after many things started to get digitalized, the competitors of the companies don't remain the same as before. They have to eye on the online/digatalized competitors. In fact, in my opinion, let's take MPH as the example, the main competitor is no more Borders, Popular or etc anymore. Thinking that some of the books can get from the Internet, guess Amazon, ebay etc are the main competitors don't you think so? Nice post Michelle!!

  3. Hi Ali! Yes I do agree on that fact that when you're venturing into online business, you get less tedious work. Less expenditures, and more income. This works just like cloud computing where everything is online. Everything is obviously much easier online, for both the business companies and the consumers themselves, us.

    Churning to the point of where companies can get more revenue through the online business and long tail is that because they are catered to also niche markets which is not focused heavily to the physical audience. What you want? You get them online. It just dawned on me that it's like Google, what you Google, there's obviously an answer for it. Now if we multiply billions of these people searching for a particular item, then we would get billions of deals!

    Now isn't that just great? To easier business and more revenue through online. All for long tail!

  4. Hullo Jia Xin! I know! I'm also one of those people who thought that whatever is in MPH is a real steal and a big seller! How wrong we are! In fact the king of all has got to be the big players online - Amazon for example. Focusing not only on hits but also misses, Amazon really reeled in a lot of income just because of these X factor. It really opened my eyes that the physical stores around us might be doing well, but there's still someone ahead of them. Some other company online.

    Going digital shouldn't be taken lightly. With cases like Amazon, eBay, iTunes and so on, we can see them leaping across their competitors for bigger and wider market! Obviously going long tail should be considered by any businesses out there. Being that said, if I were to open a business in the future, going online is something I would definitely consider! Thanks Jia Xin for the feedback!

  5. Hi Michelle,

    It is sad that the industry decides what will make sales and priorities are to sales as opposed to hits. Money does make the world go round, huh. (clearly shows in this article sadly.)

    However, on the brighter side of the note, thank god with internet, we can get what we are looking for online. However, it wont bring the same satisfaction as compared to getting the original form of something.


  6. Love the phrase of "when there are the audience, there's the interest, there's the demand." I think this sentences very make sense to every businessman. More and more people are shifting to the digital era, traditional media certainly had faced the difficulty to get the profit. It's because in cyberspace, it can provide more and more segmentized. Moreover, it would also provide the convenience of showing the relevancy of the information in the short time. You are right with the niche market as everyone have different interest and putting everything online actually you can reach to more people. That's the difference between physical and digital market. Thank you for the post!
