
Friday 26 August 2011

Rotten apples in the Network basket!

Week 4 touches on the change of 'Liquid Labour' in terms of global media business and also immaterial production. Before going into the reading of my choice - Gregg M's Function Creep Communication Technologies and Anticipatory Labour in the Information Workplace - this week, I'd like to briefly run through with you about the conclusion of liquid labour. 

The Aftermath of Change:

Office VS. Home

With all these advanced technologies and solid information network, working at the office is so last year! The trend of working now has shifted into handling office paperwork and client's demands at our favourite couch at home, with a cup of sweetened tea accompanying us. Now that's what we really call enjoying work!

Work VS. Leisure & Personal

The Google example given by Jia Xin's group summarized this point with all the comfy bunk beds, scrumptious meals at the cafeteria, well-equipped gym etc provided at the Googleplex.

Similarly, working has never been this fun! If you see bloggers, they cover fun events as their job scope! Mingling with flutes of champagne, socializing, enjoying performances, getting into free concerts... I wouldn't mind being a workaholic if this is the case!

Fixed VS. Flexible

Now what say you if your working hours starts at 2pm? Or that you work on project based accounts which lasts for only 6 months? Indeed, flexibility is one of the perks with the introductory of liquid labour. If you run an online business, that's even better! You're your own boss!

Centralized VS. Decentralized

Begone hierarchical organizations! Here come the more relaxed, liberal system where the communication networks isn't a downward communication network, but rather, a horizontal or diagonal communication network where one does not need to go through the "Big Boss" to get a message across to another. More interactions! Recall the post office example, guys?

Certain VS. Uncertain

You post a letter out, within days, the probability of that letter ending up in the receiver's hands would be pretty much concrete. But such can't be tied to the Cyberspace network now. Machines can be a tricky thing, they might face mechanical problems, infected with virus and much more damaging problems! It's an unpredictable cycle of the virtual life. *Frowns*

One-place VS. Mobility

Ubiquitous basically sums everything up. Workers are traveling more and getting work done is so much more easier as long as you have certain technologies like smartphones and the iPad and whatnot. 

The example given by of Microsoft in India modifying the workers bus into a mini office is a good one. Or simply, Fay Hokulani where all she basically needs is a phone to call in for her slot!

A single tool VS. Multiple tools

We don't need to depend only on one gigantic, huge, olden days computer anymore! With such high-tech and minimized devices nowadays, we can access to the virtual world using so many different platforms. From a single mainframe to personalized computers. Distributed computing, guys!


So now that we've gone through the functions of liquid labour, what about the bad side of it? 'Function Creep Communication Technologies and Anticipatory Labour in the Information Workplace' talks about the side effects of liquid labour which affects the workers of this age. 

What this journal talks about is that liquid labour, despite all of it wonders, does propose challenges for professionals as their workload piles up and they have to work beyond formal paid hours. Also, Gregg mentions that liquid labour gives an impact to the workers as well - anticipatory labour.

Main points touched upon in this journal are "the consequences that arise as a result, including difficulties in maintaining family relationships, using days off to catch up on unfinished tasks, as well as regular interruptions to sleep patterns and other physical ailments."

That being said, several keypoints are separated to provide an easier understanding of the rotten apples (as I like to call them):

  • Always On
  • Presence Bleed
  • The Acceleration of Work
  • The Catch-Up Day
  • Home Life
  • Function Creep

Always On -

Wireless is the new contemporary. Everything is already in our mobile devices - files, phone, appointment schedules - and we're always on the go! But, the workload is intensified. Why? 

It's because mobile technologies have introduced new habits of monitoring, anticipating, checking and filling of sudden emails. And we practice them anywhere, out of office, and most of the time, unpaid. Yes, even in the toilets to your bed or kitchen! 24/7 with your BB, you think you can cope with it?

Presence Bleed -

The context of labour and leisure has become foggier by the minute. Since most work at home, it's difficult to consider what really counts as 'work' and what's 'leisure'. This can be a problem as workers have to be willing to engage in preparatory labour before or after work to smooth the working day that follow so nothing surprising will pop up.

Because we need to prepare for the day, we tend to carry out a staggering amount of checking our emails and this can be quite tiresome, isn't it? It has gone to the extend that during our days off, we'll be spending our time checking our emails to be on top of everything. If we're so anxious about incoming emails, what will happen to our 'Me Time'?

The Acceleration of Work

With these technologies, environmental stress has been growing in workplaces. It is true that with networks, work can be sped up, but this leads to a terrible bad habit when one jut stares fixated at the computer screen

I'm sure some of us can relate to this where we're too addicted to the computer that we communicate through MSN or FB Chat even though our peers are sitting just right next to us!

Obsessive much?

The Catch-Up Day -

What would you do when you get a day off? I would spend my time eating or taking a ride down to the beach. But all these are impossible as with liquid labour, work practically dominate our lives. We tend to work intensely, become so paranoid with new work and to keep ourselves "sane", we tend to forget to live a little. This is crucial, especially if you have a family. 

Home = Family = Care = Spending Time Together

This is no longer the case, we're being trapped with liquid labour. Isolating rotten apple taking over not only your life but your loved ones too!

Home Life

Being the prisoner to liquid labour, some would often risk their sleep to catch up on their work. On-call roster workers would have to be on their toes at all times in case of an emergency. One interesting interview carried out by Gregg would give you a better understanding.

" I was doing my conference call last night while doing the groceries and driving to the grocery store, and this morning trying to do it on the train with all these people..."

So our home life, or rather personal life, have been invaded by work. So now it's eat, sleep, breathe work. That's a little bit sad, isn't it? How can one live a life like this!

Function Creep

It's funny how at the beginning we see so little work on our plate but as the days go by, suddenly you have a mountain of work piling up and it never does stop! That's work creeping up behind you and scaring the bejesus out of you! 

With online platforms to venture into - blogs, SMS, IM - suddenly having panic attacks over overloading emails isn't really the big problem anymore! On top of heavy email checking, we have to monitor and keep track of our other online "babies" and for some this might be a problem as they're not used to the new platforms!

That's tiring!


In a rotten nutshell, liquid labour does provide an array of functions (as mentioned at the utmost top) but with so much emails and works intensifying, it's becoming even more burdensome than ever. Imagine the need to monitor your inbox 24/7, even in the shower! This would just led to people going crazy due to anticipatory effect - being super OTT anxious about unknown, incoming work.

Imagine living with paranoia for the whole year round - Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter - how can you really live with that?! Eventually this insane practice would just start to eat people up internally until you don't even know what was the main purpose of living. 

Sounds scary isn't it? Rotten apples are everywhere!


Personal Note:
The reason I chose this reading was because since most of us are focusing on the functions of liquid labour, I thought this would be a good reading to educate people at the same time that liquid labour isn't that 100% great at all. Challenges and threats lurks at every corner, and it's a first step to actually acknowledge them. 

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Feast for the eyes!

Hola! :D

It's a hot Sunday afternoon, are you guys in the shade? Slap on some sunblock if you aren't! For those hiding at home, here's some funny illustrations to accompany you this afternoon! Have fun!

Hope you had fun! :D

Saturday 20 August 2011

Technology Ruins Romance

Who here have heard of WongFu Productions!

ME! :D

Well, I'm not sure some of you know of their 'Technology Ruins Romance' series, so here are the 4 videos!

The Letters


The Airport

War Torn


In this day and age, all the beautifully tragic and emotional romantic situations from older movies and books are a lot more difficult to come by. Lost loves, missed opportunities, lovers' quests...are all taking on new shapes and forms.. This new series of shorts might give you an idea of what we mean.

Interesting isn't it how the videos touches on different experiences but all wrapped up into the goal of conveying how the digital world is killing relationships. Gone were the romantic quill handwritten love letters, gone were the romantic breakfast in bed sessions, gone were the true emotions of saying the three words.

Yikes! I'm getting so cheesy, it's tickling me inside out! HAHA! So what do you think, has technology indeed ruin our love life? We don't necessarily talk only about a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, we can talk also about friendships and family too.

It's true that going digital does provide a sense of advantages for relationships, especially when you're in a LDR. But to some extend, people tend to rely heavily on gadgets and the virtual world that they jeopardize their own real relationship.

Technology Ruins Romance. What's your take? (:

Friday 19 August 2011

Booya! Who's Your Daddy Now!

John Barlow encoded a very well, witty work of "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace". This 5th entry will be my afterthoughts on this utmost confident work on Cyberspace. Got your cyberglasses ready? Here we go!

To be frank, it was a real pleasure reading this article. It wasn't a big POW to the face w/ jargon terms flying around zapping us. It was more of a dialogue. A dialogue play of Actor A - Cyberspace and Actor B - Meatspace.

Meatspace. What in the network is that! This unique sounding term actually refers to the real, physical world we live in. In other words, it is the non-virtual world. Tongue-in-cheek term isn't it? I kinda like it heh!

I thought meatspace was very clever. Ever if we are "human", we are still animals composed of meat and bones. I like that meat sounds like meet so meatspace would be where meat could actually meet each other. Personally, I do not believe I was fearfully made and I'm sure I will be respected for my beliefs. -- Steve

Meatspace is a great term. I've always said that cannibalism is funny. -- Cliff Smith

So basically, in a nutshell, once upon a time, Cyberspace stood up & confronted Meatspace in the face!
The story of Cyberspace & Meatspace

Cyberspace: Ho-hum! Your bones & meat world bore me to my nodes! You're bounded by ludicrous rules. Such boundaries, BAH! There's no equality, what a shame! What's the point of living!

Meatspace: B-b-but...

Cyberspace: No buts! You manipulate powers in all the wrong ways, you know nothing of power! Nothing! Everything is governed by you & you only! Where's the people's say in issues?! You're unfit to be on the top!

Meatspace: W-w-wait...

Cyberspace: What is there to wait? While you wait, my world here is becoming way advanced than you are. Look at us, cultures are developing, indifferent ethics are assembling, codes are being placed in orders, all in the name of Internet! Wait? Why wait? Waiting is only for fools!

Meatspace: I didn't meant it like that...

Cyberspace: Save it. Just look, look at the condition in my world! The transactions, the connections between people, the thoughts being generated! Look & learn! 

Meatspace: W-w-what are you s-s-saying...

Cyberspace: What do you mean what am I saying! You don't understand English? We. All. Have. Our. Own. Identities. Virtually. We are gonna dominate the universe!

Meatspace: N-n-no you're not!

Cyberspace: WE ARE GONNA DOMINATE THE UNIVERSE! *Virtual roar*


Pardon for the rather weak & lame script. *Awkward laugh* This isn't Scriptwriting class after all, we'll save more story telling for another day shall we? From the (terrible) script, we can see the points clearly on the (proud) differences of Cyberspace & Meatspace.

Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it. - Frances Wright

Look around, we're bounded by rules aren't we? You miss a day, you get a parking ticket. You say something wrong, you get locked up. You speed b/c you desperately need the loo, you get a hefty fine. You think, "Life sucks!" It does sucks a little being encumbered by invisible yet powerful master puppeteers. Do we even get any chance to voice out or the very least, squeak?

In contrast to Meatspace, Cyberspace isn't bounded w/ big boys who controls people like Sesame Street. In Cyberspace, everyone is equal. We go on about our virtual lives happily, the way we want it to, w/o being restricted. Everything goes on smoothly, there isn't any hassle. You are happy, I'm happy, everyone is happy!

Cyber-rules at its best!

Of course, a set of rules & procedures are needed to exercise a fully utilize virtual world. We're talking about they way things are run in the Cyberworld. We have our own slang, jargon, acronyms! "Whatchu doing? I'm learning abt the Cyberworld & it rocks 4eva!" 

Though, one (ahem, me actually) may not communicate in such way in reality but at least they understand the Cyberspace communication. We understand the secret code, yo! One more advanced feature of the Cyberworld is...

Wait for it.

Seriously, wait for it.

It's coming!


Our friendly, jiffy BBF in the Cyberworld, Google! With Google, we don't have to laboriously go through all the hassle to find just a small petty information like, "How much is a Cadbury chocolate bar in UK?" Asking questions & getting answers have never been this easier!

Why, hello there, Internet? What's your culture?

Heads up Kpop Culture, Internet culture is here to aid you in your dominance across the world! The Internet culture provides a hyperreality platform anywhere we go. With just a swipe on our iPad screen, we're connected to the Cyberworld! 

W/ everyone having such potential opportunities connecting easily to the Web, information can be shared & received on the go! Bollywood cultures & Jpop culture can further spread their wings to different part of the world! Say, Hallyu!

*Cues Wonder Girls' Nobody*

Love At The First Sight

Whoa, slow down Romeo! We all also know how Ewan McGregor feels towards his wife.

"I got married because I fell in love with this woman." - Ewan McGregor

Human beings can establish a deep connection in a physical and material element. That being said, so can Cyberspace. Cyberspace can create a powerful though invisible connection not only to one person, but to a jungle of virtual members! 

Reaching people from faraway countries are no longer a problem. Deeper connections are formed at the speed of light! New connections are built even quicker than you can say your full name! 

In Cyberspace, we see connection not in the sense of Chuck as an individual in a relationship to the individual Blair. Here, we see relationships collectively. It's more important to know the connections of everyone as a whole to another group of people, and not just a one to one basis.

Avatar, The New Human

We're looking at metamorphosis here. The step by step changes & modifications. All these can be done easily & frequently. Admit it, how many times have you changed your profile picture in your FB? I admit, I do quite frequently, whenever I find one that pleases me. 

Changing our data to create the ideal identity we want. Want to be treated differently? Switch your gender profile. Want to be funky & cool? Change your profile name. Want to be perceived as a joker? Edit your 'About Me'.


So, is Cyberspace cooler or you rather stick back to Meatspace?

It's true that Cyberspace:

  • Does offer an absence of high string authorities that we can speak & act freely
  • Makes it so much easier to carry out inquiries with the rules & codes
  • Has a cool & hip culture that we all want to be apart off 
  • Offers deep connections to endless people on the face of Earth
  • Gives us a chance to be out of our zone, to be different

Seems like Cyberspace is overpowering Meatspace isn't it? But! There are some issues to be concerned about, as usual. 

  • For one, we are not governed by anyone that's true, but isn't that alarming? Won't people start going bonkers? 
  • Second, to the point of different codes & of Google, will Google will be making the human race lose its abilities to think? 
  • Third, will the Internet culture deteriorate us in reality? 
  • Fourth, connections are made available to everyone, but who are we really talking to? 
  • Lastly, how can we trust others in the virtual world when all the facts about ones can be changed through editing?
We know the benefits of Cyberspace, but what's the negative side about it?

Share a feedback to the issue, guys! :)