
Friday 12 August 2011

Fact: Network is the Matrix

A network of spider web.

Now I suppose most of us have watched the Matrix series right? Well, of course Keanu Reeves isn't the main point here for today. But we can feast on him some other time! *Beams*

So what's Matrix?

Matrix is best defined as a concept in which codes, symbols and jargons that are embedded into it and is always developing.

Sounds rather intriguing and complex now isn't it? But if it wasn't for network, our society wouldn't be where we are today - in a world mirroring technologies. Which means if it wasn't for network, we wouldn't be able to, as Mr Faizal puts it, "take a picture and tag!"

Now picture this,

A World w/o Facebook; or

A World w/o Google.
Exactly my point. Like how Castells stresses, Network is Power!

Socializing has become tremendously wonderful all thanks to network. After the shifting of microelectronics and technologies, we can now take a video of us singing (terribly/ beautifully) and post it on YouTube and share it across the world!

For example,

Well, this guy's pretty much famous now.
From Castells' logic on network, we know of these 7 points on how network impacts social structures:

1) Network is everyone's neighbours!

This is the real thang, the absolute spot on fact. Network is limitless, it travels as far as the Sun goes around Earth and it connects everyone from all walks of lives together in some ways we don't even realize. It's b/c of multidimensional networks we get to communicate and incommunicate w/ people from Alaska, Korea and even Santa Claus at NP - if you still do believe in tooth fairies that is. *Winks*

2) Network kick formal butts!

Do you get tired by talking formally w/ someone for 24/7? Well I dunno about you but I tend to get cranky - just a lil! - if things stay really formal between me and another for a long time. It. Is. Just. So. Rigid. & thanks to our great friend here, Mr Network, alliancing is now much more flexible & fun! (Don't mock me, I know I sound like an advertisement here pftt!)

3) Network can save the world!

Castells is talking about global governance which basically translates to political interaction of multinations to come together to overcome problems that will affect the world and the all the countries. So where is network present? It is through the gathering of everyone in a particular time & space to interact w/ each other. Well, I'm all in for a good cause like this, that's for sure!

4) Civillians speak the Network language too!

Communication doesn't end. It carries on and on when all kinds of organizations and clubs join hands in network. Almost anyone can build up an organization or society and put it on the net and it's here that we debate, state, express, share, compromise and embrace others on similar happenings and issues. Stories starts from here. (:

5) "We ain't oldies yo, we Network can be cool too dawg!"

The social structure has been upgraded and improved just as how network was developed from then til now. Remember we learnt in class that the Internet was used by Sci-Fi peeps to exchange info? Well today, it't not only the military troops or the Sci-Fi pursuers are using network, but EVERYONE, regardless of your interest or values. It's now our playground!

6) Media, the new Network's BFF!

Literally whatever we see, touched, hear, feel are all related to networks. From that moment you jolt out of bed til the moment you shut your eyes, we're all around a network of networks! This is b/c network has the power to shape the social structure and in return, communication is like our shadow! Note, having your phone beside is still consider a social tool. :P

7) Network moulds us!

Network is the absolute authority that shapes and directs us in our current society. It's from the ideas and issues that are discussed in a network which presents to us a view. It's from the view that we make our own reflections & proceed w/ an action. In this case we can switch - to connect to disconnect yourself. Kinda cool, eh?

In a nutshell,

Network = Power = Communication!

Personal note:
Well, I wouldn't say going through this piece was a breeze, I'm sure for everyone this took quite an effort b/c we have to read between the lines. But everyone, give a pat to yourself on the back. We overcame this hurdle! Let's prepare for the next one!
This is my definition & inderstanding of 'Afterword: Why Networks Matter'. Hold on to your popcorn for more coming up in mere moments!

Have a great weekend folks!


  1. Hey Michelle! I agree with your point on "our society is mirroring technologies" today - the perfect reason why I'm writing you a blog post comment instead of sending you a mail through post. Ha!

    We would say that technologies had changed a lot of network landscape and these changes had thus, influences the ways people conduct their daily activities, work, academic, and so on.

    I would say that it's good and bad. Referring to you point on "Network is the absolute authority that shapes and directs us in our current society", do you think it's a good outcome of the network development today?

    I personally do not think that it's would serve humankind more good. I mean, why would we want a network - an intangible element and above all, something that was created by humankind ourselves - to tell us what to do with our lives? This is one reflection I obtained after reading your article.

    By anyhow, I agree with all the points you had highlighted. Well said! A great article, Michelle :) Maybe we should do something to own the network instead of them owning us heeee. Just some crazy thoughts :P

  2. I agree with all your points Michelle, but on one point Media, the new Network's BFF! Is not just media is our BFF now too! Network = Power = Communication, is so true about this. Lets build our own network of DIGC and rule the world with our madness muahahahahaha!

  3. Hey Su Wern! Thanks for dropping by hee!

    On the note of network being the absolute authority, I think it's an unhealthy thing, b/c it feels like we're under a country of dictatorship, isn't it.

    We should not let network control us totally, we have to know the limits, the critical problem and then analyze. If stumbled upon any detrimental conclusion, we should definitely do smtg about it to change for the better.

    But it is comforting to know that we have the features of switchers - to communicare and incommunicate at the same time. That way we know our own limits, to connect fully or disconnect, up to our own will.

    But thanks for the highlight! It got me thinking, hee!

  4. Kok Han! I have to agree that network has become our best friends too. It's like an equation,

    Media + Network + Us = BFFS!

    Heeee! :P

    But we shouldn't be too attached to networks or else we'll all turn into couch potatoes! We should learn to know the capacity and understand the limit of using network.

    We can enjoy what networks can offer to us, but we cant feast on network like a parasite!

    Agree? :D

  5. "We ain't oldies yo, we Network can be cool too dawg!"

    Michelle, I agree with it. Network was always update in anytime and sometimes we can't catch up what's popular website or software that people using now as too much for us to learn and use it. Of course the number of software or website in website will keep increasing. Anyway, yeah! Seriously networking is everyone neighbors and always can be everyone best friend as nowadays everyday will use networking and somehow people can't live without networking. I can't believe what will happen if networking disappear in our life but it's impossible will disappear. Anyway, michelle, thanks for giving some good points. :D

  6. "But we shouldn't be too attached to networks or else we'll all turn into couch potatoes!"

    This is where people these days tend to do... right after eating..there goes PC or sitting down and online...what happens in the long run?... people are becoming too dependent on internet and resulting a lazy society (as commented in swern site) and more issues like health related problems would emerge..especially for those who are couch potatos.. eat>relax... :-)

  7. Mei Ling!

    Yes, it's great isn't it? Networks developing which results in us being more aware of the latest happennings. It's great that there's a continuous innovation and not just a abrupt stop w/o any potential growth. I think we all will agree that network will just continue to grow and grow... The possibilities are endless!

    And thanks for the good point that if network disappears it'll be hard, but as you said that it's possible it will end. I agree, nothing is permanent. I believe maybe one day network will slowly decay but that will be in centuries to come, network has so much to offer so the development will still go on for a long period of time.

    But maybe in billion years to come, it'll start to deteriorate. We just have to see where it'll lead to.

    Thanks for mentioning this point! It got me thinking! :DD

  8. Yeap Weng Loong, this is what we should be concerned about network and the endless possibilities of the Internet.

    The Internet offers so much to us but in time those who depends on it like a life support machine will just cultivate a bad lifestyle.

    We all know that accessing to the work of Internet is easy peasy, just wipe out our smartphones and we're on the net just like that! It is only natural that this will turn into our daily habit like snacking on junks but as you've said it, health related issues will spring up!

    This just proves to us that everything really does have its good and bad. How unfortunate!

  9. good points michelle ;)

    but about point 4 we do have to be careful especially in the context of our nation. Certain parts of the world still cannot fully utilize the full potential of network due to their rather draconian laws, but let's hope in the near future everyone can harness the full potential of networking =)

  10. Hello Michelle.

    A great post you have done. I like how you portrait and in related network with Matrix the movie series. Network indeed is the matrix which connects all the codes and symbols together to bring a meaning to it.

    Also, Network = Power = Communication. I totally agree with you on this. Networking is the best way used to gain power in this modern age. In order to obtain power, communicatoin is the most important method used in order to achieve the most desired outcome for their most profitable purposes.

    p.s. it is very creative how you presented your work in an unique yet interesting way for people to read :)

  11. Ivan!

    Great highlight there! It's true that some countries does have the opportunity to access to the marvelous world of networks but still their usage has boundaries! That's a party pooper! Maybe the tables will turn and hopefully they can start using the resources like us! :D

    Fingers crossed!

  12. Hey Ali! Thanks! You did great too as I recalled. :)

    I like how you expressed your feelings about Network = Power = Communication. It is true that w/ the growth of networks that we have improved drastically in terms of comm w/ different means.

    And w/ this new knowledge, we can use it to our own benefit of business, which as we can see from the journal is that businesses also rely on networks as a basis for their company.

    I agree on your point that w/ network, we can use it as a weapon to comm and to further obtain our lucrative goals in mind! Nicely said!

    Thanks for dropping by Ali!

  13. I like Michelle's comment on how the network has absolute authority is worrying. We could become too dependable on the network for a lot of things. A 'big brother' scenario might even develop if part of our networks are put in the wrong hands.

    Like you said, "we shouldn't be too attached" in the first place (with one network). Creating multiple access is healthy (and the internet structure allows this!)

    Keep posting.
