
Friday 19 August 2011

Open Cultures & The Nature of Network - Part 2 Information Ecology

Look at the topic on page 62, at the top corner at the left. Information Ecology. Two seemingly basic words that are joint together to form an abstract word. But what does it really mean? Ecology is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. So what about 'Information Ecology'?

As depicted from Yogesh Malhotra, 2002 in his work - Information Ecology & Knowledge Management - "information ecology is defined as 'the complete information environment', is that organizations need to focus beyond the 'machine-engineering' focus on the technologies of information... The complete information environment addresses 'all of a firm's values & beliefs about information (culture); how people actually use information & what they do w/ it (behaviour & work processes); the pitfalls that can interfere w/ information sharing (politics); & what information systems are already in place (yes, finally, technology)."

Yikes! Did I scare you w/ the chunk of definition? Basically, information ecology talks about how netizens produce, share, comprehend & use information. Much simpler, isn't it?

"Digital media builds an integrated environment based on flows of information."

How much of this do you agree on? As reflected on the statement, it is indeed true that our synergy society feeds on information through a string of networks of nodes. I bet every single one of us logs into the Internet almost every single day or make it every 5 hours & at the end of the day, what we get is not just personal purposes but loads & loads of information!

You name it!

The resources of information is used to our own extend & then released back into the intangible & invisible networks to be shared again. It's almost as if we're all mutually interdependent! Which is true & I'll be touching on that much later.

But first, as we've concluded in classes about node structures drawn by Mr. Faizal w/ the marker on board which looks like this,

Nodes are built at every intervals, intersections which are joined to other nodes w/ the common function of processing & directing it back out again. W/ so many nodes, everyone is connected & united into a whole sea of endless network, all thriving & sharing on information! Doesn't it feel fulfilling & fruitful to be living in a time like this?

Think of it this way, we have a textbook as a node, a lecturer as another node & then students as another node collectively. So information are passed through each other & we process, we understand, we benefit from them & then we finally pass the information along. The information ecology network basically works like this! Information = GOLD.

Key points of an information ecology!

  • Interdependency
  • Change
  • Time boundness
  • Differentiation

Dimension #1 - Interdependency

From the reading, we've also come to know that flow & node work together. Neither one survives w/o the help on each other. Mutual beneficial relationship, anyone? With the nodes, information can flow from one to another. & that's just really reflects the principle of network doesn't it? W/ flow & nodes working together, we can expect a stable, steady positive environment of optimized information moving at the speed of aims, directions and organized actions.

Node + Flow = Connection + Information + Relationship

We're not talking just about any boy-girl relationship, a neighbourhood relationship or a teacher-student relationship, but rather, relationship as a whole. A relationship that connects each & everyone of the virtual members through INFORMATION. That's a comforting thought. You scratch my back, I scratch yours too. (";

An interesting note, Mr. Stalder makes is also that of the isolation of Apple from others have somewhat shown a decrease in their computers.

"If you look at any institution in history – look at the Roman Empire – anything in history, and what it looks like when it’s peaking. Look at Apple, and how can you say it’s not peaking? The CEO is still alive, let’s start there. They invented this tablet thing that’s going to be really big. They’ve done really well by reinventing the phone. They breathed new life into the Mac. They’ve got this super-high marketing. All these things are about as good as they ever can be – how much better can it really get? The thing is, it may take another year or two before it starts to decline, but it has to – everything does. Everything revolves so much around Steve, and no matter how good his lieutenants are, they’re not Steve. None of us is going to live forever, though I hope he lives for a really long time."

– Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello

What do you think? Is it really b/c of Steve Jobs or there's a tie to the network context?

An economy integrated atmosphere issue we should wrap around in our thoughts. Hmm...

Dimension #2 - Change

To me, upon reading the work by Stalder, I imagine the relationship of nodes & flow as a food chain. Like a food chain, every elements in the process is easily influenced or malleable.

"One significant change generates total change."

This I agree on. It's b/c when one is eliminated, a shift is resulted. New conditions & atmosphere must be conjured to ensure a steady survival rate. We are of course, talking about a connected string of forces, so when something is changed, there's bound to be a chemical reaction.

Similarly put, b/c nodes are mutually dependent, a distortion in a node will affect the flow of information that will potentially ruin the network. Hence, like the web, what we're aiming for is not about being a paramount but rather, to survive, to keep going, to reshape, to live. It's about adapting.

Dimension #3 - Time-Boundness

So, may I ask, what is the 'IN' thing of this week? I don't know, maybe, apple bottom jeans & boots w/ the fur? (I'm kidding, pun intended!) But by next week, this fashion might just be banished & in comes harem pants & pointy Aladdin shoes. Who knows right? But point aside, fashion is information. We're told what is the latest happenings & fads through information. Timeliness, is what makes information information!

We, media students, have learned that today's news isn't timely tomorrow. Timeliness of an information is a big factor especially in the journalism world. The time span of information depends on the ecology of the nodes & flow. What takes into account is the purpose of the information, really. The aims of using information are the ones that determines that value of information.

For example, I intend to get the latest hairstyle, so which information will I look to?

Retro Afro or Tousled Curls?

I know it's witty, but I think examples are the best way to get an idea across!

Dimension #4 - Differentiation

"Differentiation is the reduction of complexity." 

Information is data as a whole - like a big cheese - but differences played here are in conjunction to the different structures of nodes. These nodes are intersections that will provide the foundation for specific & needed information, directed to only the requirements of the users. & of course, we know that the network nodes work just like the lymph nodes in our bodies, they're the transportation for the body system, which means they receive & redirect to form new connections & maintain the old connections.

Think of it this way, the node is like a bus or a tram, that will pick people up & drop them at their destination passing by numerous intersections. Node date anyone? :)
Information Ecology = Interdependency + Change + Time-Boundness + Differentiation.

Personal Note:

I think relating the node & the flow of networks to the example of train is an easier way to understand the system. We get on the train, & off we go! We travel pass intersections, picking others up, dropping some too. Along the way, we might meet our buddies from high school or a colleague, but as we travel in unison, we'll get to know new acquaintances. & then, we just go along w/ the flow of life.  


  1. Hey Michelle,

    Great blog post with extra detailed explanations. Being me, confused as ever actually understood the whole topic alot better after reading this. Good job babe!! :)

    Basically, there is nothing I can argue or point out about your post except its brilliance but I couldn't help to think that these four points - interdependency, change, time-boundness and differentiation that makes digital information sustainable, and useful is almost how a family functions! As a member of our respective families, we cannot be fully dependent or fully isolated as well. Like the famous story that goes you can't break a bundle of sticks but isolate one and you can break it. As a family, we must also be susceptible to change, and take the best out of any situation. Nothing is ever too challenging! Also, we must be up to date with trends and lifestyles or lose to the game of life. I doubt if my parents lived they way they did last time that they would be alive and well in today's world :) And finally, every family member is unique and has their own special abilities and methods to contribute. Instead of isolating them out, we should embrace these differences and contribute in whatever way we can. Harmony!

    Have a great weekend Michelle! And is that a picture of the Hogwarts Express at the end of the post? :D

  2. Choo choo! Yes! It's Hogwarts Express! I just had to hahaha! :P

    I'm glad I managed to help you understand it some ways. It's much easier to understand the topics by reading everyone's take on the articles! Yours enlightened me in plenty of ways too! *WINKS*

    I really love how you structure it as a family. That statement, "You can't break a bundle of sticks but isolate one and you can break it," this is so true!

    We are all depending on one another when it comes to the information ecology. You scratch my back, I scratch yours too, isn't it?

    And what you've mentioned is spot on too! We all have our own uniqueness that w/ all of our talents we get to share more info as we all think differently b/c of our different interest. We get more angles and perceptions! :D

    Also, I agree on your sustainable point. Like saving the Earth to sustain a better future for our next generation, we need to keep going on maximizing the wonders of the Cyberspace so that our children can not only use it well but to keep the legend going!

    All for harmony & family functions, Su Juin! :DD

    Thanks for this wonderful feedback! Love it!

  3. I love the way how you interpreted the readings of Stalder in a manner of a train network system. What I really love most is that, from everyone's post the reading is interesting that how nodes and flows can be understood by people using an example in daily life to help us understand the topic better. Such as yours which users the Train network system to explain the nodes and flows. It helped me to understand better on the concept derived from Ecology based on Stalder journal

  4. Hey there Kok Han! I am glad the train example did get the idea across! I think it's somewhat similar to your vein and artery example! It's really easy to grasp the meaning with these types of example. Information gets picked up, used, sent back to the flow, conjuring of new information released etc. It's a never ending flow just like a river. Information is indeed powerful when it's put together in a sea of network. The virtual world literally runs on information as how cars run on petrol!
