
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Open Cultures & the Nature of Networks - Part 1

So! Tonight, I'll be looking into the introductory context from Felix Stalder.

"We are in the midst of a deep, long, muddled cultural transition, profoundly related to the incorporation of networked media technologies, wired and wireless, into virtually all aspects of our daily lives."

Wholeheartedly agreeing w/ this. As I have said in my first post that the world we're living in a world mirroring the fact of technological growth & little did we know, networks have quietly & subconsciously embedded themselves into our daily lives.

Even unfortunate ones who doesn't consume the resources of networks (for various reasons) can see that the environment has changed & transformed. This further strengthens the idea of network really is powerful.

Back to the story. Stalder sees this historical development in 2 important aspects.

The former, 'Going Digital!'; the latter, 'Out w/ Hierarchies & In w/ Networks!'.


Going Digital!

It is true that everything has now turned into digital materials! Like ads, I'm sure everyone are exposed to as much digital elements as 150 ads per day or so. Like Stalder says, even physical objects are designed digitally! Which got me to recall the first day of class where we learned a particular term, 'Immaterial Productions'. Remember guys?

Maybe Willy Wonka should turn to Immaterial Production. :P

Just a quick recap of immaterial productions in relation to digitalization is that different components of productions are done globally & virtually, real timed. The example? Say, Ferrari has a designing team/ faculty in Milan, a manufacturing team in China, Marketing team in San Francisco; now, every team will be able to follow the duty roster & keep up w/ each other digitally by having real time discussion.

Cool huh!

Prior to that of digitalization, several challenges have arise. As Stalder mentioned, authorship has moved away to a collective group, to a network society, to the foggy thin line of the artists & audiences, the adaptation of intellectual property laws & more, but most importantly, the status of the original masterpiece itself.

 Film is a masterpiece.

Other great work done digitally are virtual tours! Feast on your eyes here!

Now, am sharing w/ you a video, which I think is absolutely brilliant! It shows how much further can we go to being digitalized in this space & time.

Out w/ Hierarchies & In w/ Networks!

This second point talks about a rather free world w/o authorities controlling what we're doing virtually, hence the mushrooms of blogging as a reporting tool & whatnot. It is true that social networking isn't something new but it has potentially extended beyond a miniscule scale & has the abilities to bring together a collective group.

The influence of hierarchy is decreasing in the hyperreality world & informational networks are taking over. Development is catching up people! Hold tight to your seats!

Now can you really imagine yourself living in the century of telephony & telegraphs? As opposed to living in the digital world? Would be fun to think about!


Personal Note:
I shall be dissecting Felix Stalder's work in several parts as to avoid information dump & to make things easier for everyone! Check this space out in a few days for more updates on this week's reading! Good luck peeps!


  1. I did love the video that you post! It's really what we will be rely on in the future (Or it already happening now?). Agree with your point which state that every information are all in the digital form. But because of the digital form, it may cause some issues such as the world without authorities. Even though it may seem the good idea that we all have the freedom of speech but it do have the drawbacks too! When people have equally freedom of speech, people tend to spread the rumors or fake information. This is what should we take notice and action now to ensure the condition still under the control.

    Thanks Michelle for posting this and let me understand what you think regarding to this article! Nice blog post! :)

  2. Great coincidence! I love that video too! In my opinion, this video really shows us how valuable and powerful the society we live in now. So many jaw dropping digital works have sprung up. So many information, so little time!

    Indeed yes, everyone is coming up w/ new information, whether they've came up with their own thoughts from others, or how they've taken a material and add on to it and whatnot, but one crucial case you've mentioned is that how much of these information can we trust?

    This is a good issue. We can't just take take take and not know what exactly are we taking. Is it credible? Is it true? Is it trustable? This is where we have to know ourselves on whether the author's work is to be taken seriously or not. This is where we have to crack our heads and evaluate on the information on the net.

    Thanks for issuing this point up! It got me thinking! :D Thanks Chiu Yein!

  3. Michelle, I love the video so much, My eye can't even get away from the video, really a brilliant idea. I found out that, after IPhone 4, people tend to predict the next technology must be make by glass. Must be i think too much.. but this is really what i think XD

    As you said, "Development is catching up people! Hold tight to your seats", technology goes as far as we couldn't imaging,when we were young we talking about "babies doll", but for the youth today, they are talking about facebook game,the children today getting toward the technology era, they born in surrounding with technology since the young age,the next generation will more depend on technology.

    Thank you so much for sharing Michelle =)

  4. Hey there Siew Mun! :)

    Me too, the first time I saw the video, I was super fascinated that like you, I couldn't take my eye off it. It's so wonderful and scary at the same time to see how far technology can go in the future!

    It is true like what you said, when we were young, our toys are just motor toys, barbie dolls, jigsaw puzzles etc. But the society now has changed! Parents super high advanced into technology, buys their children an iPad, some virtual games, XBox etc.

    The landscape of the past and present has such a big difference and one of the point you've pointed out reflects the issue. Thanks Siew Mun!
